Friday, October 28, 2011

Go Sell Something

Are you jobless now? Go sell something. Don't look for a job--look for something to sell. Selling is your ticket to going jobless big time. With selling, you dictate how much you'd earn per day. 

With a job, you're fixed to a certain amount of money per hour or day. In Manila, that's something like P480 a day, if you're lucky to get that much. With selling, you can get as much as you want--even P37,000 a day. I know a small sales business where you get P3,700 per sale. If you make 10 a day, then that's P37,000 a day. In a more realistic sense, you can earn P8,400 easily a day with direct selling. I personally know a guy who makes it a point to sell to two persons a day or at least two days. He earns direct referral plus matching bonus, which amount to P8,400.

And the best thing with a sales business (not a sales job) is that you don't need high educational background to earn lots o money. Another guy I personally know earns P60,000 a week from his sales business, and he finished only 3rd level grade school. He quit his P30,000 a month job with a popular pineapple company. He's jobless big-time now, and he hates jobs and has no plan of looking for one the rest of his life. He's only 24. Are you a company executive? Do you earn P60,000 a week or P240,000 a month?

So, are you jobless now? Go sell something! Don't look for a job.

Sales Business, NOT a Sales Job

A sales job is where you are paid a salary plus commissions each sale you make. That's still a job, though it's better than a fixed-salary job. You may do it for a while, but don't do it more than 1 or 2 years. Sales jobs don't allow you enough free time to discover your true God-given potentials. You'd just be bombarded with sales quotas month after month to please your boss all your life, and that's a waste. Do a sales business!

What's a sales business?

If you want to go into business but don't have the big capital to do it (like so many of the rest of us), go look for a good sales business. A sales business let's you start small but immediately earn big, depending on your efforts. A good example is going into real estate. Be a freelance property agent and make a sale. You don't need a big capital here. I once partnered with a realtor and I chanced upon a buyer who saw my ad online. We had a tripping and then after a few days the guy bought the property. It took me only about P300 plus 2 weeks to earn some P40,000. Do it like it's your own business.

But there are simpler sales businesses that lets you earn more with meager starting capital. There are the online MLM businesses that allow you to stay home while you earn money. There are also the pay-per-click  programs, and blogging where you make use of your social networking hobby to promote your business. Look around and you'd see the amazing opportunities to make a lot of money even while there is an economic crisis in the world of traditional business.

Well, they say most of them are scams. So are most traditional businesses. Even most governments are hopelessly tainted with corruption, but people still believe in governments and government employees still work there. The thing is, look for a legit and good company to do your sales business with. I do blogs and post Google and Amazon ads, and its a sales business that makes me discover and develop my God-given potentials. I live very happily each day I do them. I have lots of free time with God, my wife, and my kids. And I earn some, even developing new and valuable friendships with guys from all over the world in the process! I'll never exchange that for any job. I'd rather go jobless big-time!

But there are more types of sales businesses to choose from than the above mentioned. All you have to do is scout around, check, try, try again, risk some, until you get the ones suited for you. Until you hit on a good company. And you'd never be able to do that if you're tied down to a job.

And yes, you have to take risks. Anyway, they're not that hard to take because you're just after small-capital sales businesses, costing from P500 to P10,000. Big businesses risks a lot and lose a lot when things go wrong with their business. And a sales business is REAL business; only, the risks are smaller. 

Have you heard of this one?--You invest a one-time investment of P8,000 but have the potential to earn from P3,700 a day to P924,000 a month or week? Yeah. there's such a legit sales business, and the products are wonderful! But here's a better one--With just P300, you get a discount card so you can sell a product and earn P550 each sale. Then, when you have made a total of 50 sales, you get to be a distributor for free and enjoy a lot of bonus earnings--even P924,000 a month.

Are you jobless? Well, I tell you, DON'T LOOK FOR A JOB. It's a trap, and the trap goes with a deception so that you become comfy with your job and a subsistence salary and never be challenged about discovering your true God-given lot in life. You'd die without reaching your true potentials. And that kind of inferior life will be transferred to the next generation. Stop the curse. Go sell something!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Keys to Going Real Big Time

You want real success? Well, there are 3 keys to going real big-time: 
  1. Remain jobless.
  2. Use the freedom wisely.
  3. Sell
True freedom is a must if you wanna go real big-time. If you keep your job, sorry, all systems will remain too busy that you won't even get a chance to glimpse what real success is. Employment is good only for a while--maybe 1 or 2 years. More than that, it's slavery. No slave will go big-time, ever. You know the story of Exodus in the bible? The Israelites thought they were going big-time erecting Pharaoh's pyramids and store cities, not realizing that all they were were pathetic slaves. 

Well, some of them got promoted to being "foreman" or supervisors, but slaves nonetheless. Employment can make you feel "big-time" with positions and titles and promotions and salary raises, but they're really nothing, good only as far as you're pleasing your boss. But you'd never reach your true potentials. Your true God-given potentials alone will set you free to achieve real success and happiness with your family.

There's this guy who works like a beaver for his company. He's being sent to far away places, going to work even on Saturdays and Sundays, away from his family most of the time. He thinks he's doing all these for his family. He never sees through the deception. He never realizes that only his company is benefiting from all his hard efforts. All he does for his family is provide money.

Remain Jobless

Very few realize that family needs you more than they do your money, hence the growing number of broken or rotten marriages or rebellious family members. It's all because they never see the need to be jobless so they can have more time alone in quietude pondering on what life is really all about and then discovering that being jobless is really a break, an opportunity to set things right so that they can go really big-time in life.

Are you getting this? Your job is standing in the way to real freedom, potentials, and success! All those people trooping to companies in hopes of finding job vacancies are wasting their time and effort--in fact their whole lives and their family members' lives, too!

If you are jobless now and desperate about your life because you're still unemployed or you just got fired or nobody wants to hire you or you're just a home body, fret not. Cheer up! God has put you in a position for  real success. It's just a matter of you using your God-given imagination (He gave each one of us enough to discover what life is really for) to figure out that remaining jobless is really a blessing.

Having a job can even seem like a curse--and I think it is--because, remember, when God punished Adam and Eve in the Fall, part of the curse was that from then on man would have to sweat it out just to eat and live. Meaning, from then on, man got a job! Whereas before that, he was plain jobless big-time! All he did was have "dominion" over creation and simply pick fruits from trees to eat and live abundantly.

If you want the best things in life, remain jobless. Are you jobless? Ha! Go jobless big-time!

Use the Freedom Wisely

When you're jobless, you got lots of time to spare. Use the time wisely. Talk to God. Then think about what life is really all about. Are you here to just work for somebody all your life? Or are you here to hone your full potentials? 

How about money? How can you get all the money you need to live in freedom and use that freedom for really worthy things to do in life? Can you get that money from employment? Do you know of anyone who lived freely to do what he or she had always wanted to do (doing what God had put in their hearts to do all their lives) by doing a job all their lives, by being tied down to a job description as long as they live?

Or, is it more realistic to think that doing a business or investment rather than a job is the only thing that can give you all the money you need to buy back your freedom and live a quality life with your family? So, are you jobless? Then think hard about these things while you're at it.

You know why you're jobless? God wants your full attention so he can show you what he designed you for, so he can talk to you about your real potentials. If you're busy with a job, you never pay attention to the still, small voice that keeps telling you that you're worth more than what your company is making you believe. God wants you to prosper. But you have to listen and take risks. Moses took a great risk when he told the Israelites to quit their jobs and do a business somewhere out there. "Where?" the Israelites asked. "I don't know," Moses replied, "we just have to listen well to God and take risks! Step out in faith"

And lots of times, we need to group with others who are of a similar situation and desire when taking risks. It's riskier being alone, although it's possible--if you're sure you have to do it alone--but there's safety in numbers, especially when travelling in the great wilderness out there. So, find a business that will allow you to do things in groups--a group of people who are intent at being jobless big-time. Are you jobless? Than this is for you.


Don't do a job--SELL! Fact is, money is in sales. And I believe selling is for everyone. God made us so that we all have the ability to "offer" or "share." Well, some can do it better than others can, but the point is, we can all do it. We can all have some success at it, if we take it to heart, aiming for freedom and going jobless big-time enough to live well. You won't believe the guys who have made it big in sales but who never seemed to be good at selling anything once upon a time in their lives.

No, don't get employed to sell so that you'd have a salary plus commissions. Well, you can do that for a while, but better if you do it without being an employee. Just be a freelance sales agent. That way, you can have freedom to do quiet times with God and with yourself. Spending some quiet time alone to meditate God and life is vital. It keeps you in proper perspective and it gets rid of stress.

Selling can position you for a business you are gradually mastering as you sell (employment can never do this). Selling a product for a long while leads to product and marketing mastery. That can launch you into business. And as I've said, you can do this in group so that your collective efforts can better assure success. It's what others call as a sales team.

Are you jobless? Well, don't worry about it. Your success key is in sales. Start analyzing your capabilities and the products you like most. And then see how you could do sales with them. Now. whatever you do, don't get negative about it. Just do it! Remember, many others have tried and succeeded, among them is yours truly. When I started in sales, I didn't seem like I was a born-salesman. I had a lot of bad deals. There were times when I got zero sales. But I just kept doing it, looking for the right products to sell. 

First I was an employed sales agent, scouting for the right business as I did. Then finally, I landed on one. I'm not yet a millionaire, but I and my wife are making good business so far. And we're doing it with a team of folks who also want to remain jobless big-time, who got their freedom by quitting their jobs.

Remember, you're worth more than a salary. You're worth a good life.

Are You Jobless?

Are you jobless, and are you wondering why? Have you done everything you could to get a job, to no avail, and does it seem like God is punishing you, for whatever reason, you don't know why? Being jobless can be tantamount to a serious death threat especially in these times of terrible economic crisis worldwide. "How am I going to live?" is the foremost worry in our minds.

But you need not worry. I'm not. And lots of times, it's got nothing to do with God's punishment. A lot of folks who deserve punishment are wallowing in wealth, fully employed, and even promoted big-time. Well, I don't wanna be big-time like that. I wanna be big-time the righteous way. And believe me there's a way. But you have to be jobless first. Hahaha! You don't believe me? You think this is a silly joke or something?

Are you jobless? To tell you the truth, it's hard to go big-time while you're tied down to a job. You cannot afford to have the freedom that it takes to really go big-time while your whole life (and even your family) is all tied to a job description. And lots of people feel comfy being tied down like that all their lives, and millions even go through college and do post graduate courses dreaming to be tied down to a job description all their lives one day. And they want the same to their children and their posterity through generations.

Imagine, whole generations of those enslaved by their jobs, just enriching their big boss all their lives. It's like a curse, really. So, are you jobless? Good for you.

Are you tied down like that to your job? Tsk, tsk...what a pity. Even if you hold a management position. You're just a senior slave, that's all. And as long as you're a slave like that you will never realize your true potential.

Thus, if you're jobless now, cheer up! God is setting you up for something bigger than what you have been led to think you're worth. God wants you to go really big-time! Employment is never his final plan for you. All you need to do is use your God-given imagination. If you can imagine it, it's possible. If you see it in your mind, it's real, and all it needs is some simple implementation. As a shoe brand says, just do it. If God lets you see it in your mind, the only thing left is just doing it.

But many folks never lift a finger even if they're allowed to see it. Why? It's due to two things:
  1. Peer Group Pressure: You're worried about what people around you might say.
  2. Your Job: You're afraid to lose your job.
Hence, many people live and die without realizing their God-given full potentials. What they accomplish are their man-assigned job description, NOT full potentials. Sigh!

Are you jobless? Good for you! Then you have nothing to lose. You can start really going big-time!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm JO Bless..Going Big Time

Hi there, fellas! I'm jobless, big time. And I wanna remain jobless big-time. I hate jobs. I want to be my own boss forever. Why should anybody else order me around all my life and tell me what to do to enrich him or her? I want to be in charge of my own life all through life. So, if you want the idea, come join me and read some more.

I want to share my thoughts online why I enjoy being jobless and yet remain big time. Not many people know the secrets on how to go really big time in life. They work all their lives and yet remain small-time, and yeah, even business people who have lots of money. You can be so rich and yet be going small-time. What a waste.

Okay, just call me Jo...Jo Bless. If you misspell that you'd get Jobless. And yes, I'm jobless but I'm really Jobless big-time. And I want to spread the idea around--that it's possible to go big-time while being jobless, and in fact the only way to go big time is to first become jobless. More and more people are in fact discovering this to be a fact--no, to be truth, a powerful life truth. They are dying to go jobless so they can go really big time. You dig that? Lots of people are desperate to get a job, but these other guys are dying to lose theirs, and some of them couldn't. That's one of the big funny and ironic reversals of life.

People who gradually discover the truth in abundance after being jobless are still the minority, but these enlightened folks would do everything to keep their hard-earned freedom. It's fun and liberating to be jobless. If you're problematic about being jobless, stop being so, and keep following this new blog to see how privileged you really are for being jobless, for being blessed among the few, and that you could be a pioneer, hacking a new path to success through this despised road to unemployment, to being jobless, and be richly big time.

It's crazy seeing enlightened folks just dying to escape for good from their enslaving jobs but couldn't, and people around them losing their minds trying to figure out why. And other people worry so much for them when they finally make a good get away while they thank God for the release. And believe me, this thing is gonna spread like wild fire especially in these trying times when economines are failing and people who think they've lost their lives losing their jobs are looking for new meanings or answers in life.

Oh yeah, you can be jobless big-time.