Jobless right now? Afraid you might be? Or, contemplating on resigning but you're afraid of being income-less? Well don't be.
Think well about it first--if you really want to try this adventure to freedom and go jobless big-time--because it entails lots of risks and uncertainties. But life is more colorful and spicy only with risks and uncertainties--exciting challenges--exploring and discovering the unknown, without which living becomes one boring robotic routine--wake up, work, eat, and sleep--then die. There's definitely more to life than that.
If you've made up your mind to take this challenge, simply email me at and tell me what you think about it. And then I'll email you back with some suggestions on how to go jobless big-time. Then maybe we can be online friends and take this radical journey together, especially if you live nearby (within Metro Manila or the Philippines). If you're from another country or planet or dimension, let's see where this adventure would take us.
Remember, you need to be tired of doing a job and you think you're worth more than a salary a month and are very willing to try something different and discover your true potentials along the way. I mean, you're dead serious about making a lot of money and at the same time discovering your true self and lot in life--your God-given potentials.
Are you jobless and excited to do something different, even something unique, but you're somewhat afraid or uncertain and you need the company of one who has been there and ready to walk with you and even offer suggestions or advises or guide you in the labyrinth of alternative livelihoods--even one that hasn't been discovered yet--and you're about to be its brainchild (who knows?)?
Then email me as quick as possible...and thanks a lot!