The better alternative to employment is a small business. Better if you start it early in life. If you want to be more fulfilled there is no other way. Start seriously considering it now. Start your own business. And here are some basics. (Scroll down for Tips!)
Develop the Mindset
Begin to develop the mindset of a businessman. For starters, look around and observe how business people do their businesses. Interview them and buy books on business and selling and marketing. Attend seminars and explore everything. You'd begin to see things from a businessman's point of view and begin thinking like a real businessman. Always study your chosen business well. Get used to talking with people from all walks of life and striking appealing conversations with them. Love people.
What You Love Doing
What do you love doing? Singing, drawing, driving, reading, writing, working out--whatever it is,you can create a market for it. Think of how you can turn what you love doing into a service or product. Is it singing? Start composing ad jingles for products, or start teaching others for a fee. Is it talking? Try sales and marketing, or start a small voice-over company talking about a product or procedures on tape. Or be a lecturer or business presentor. All it takes is imagination and practice.
For instance,you love to cook. Try starting a catering business. Get a deal. You may do this while being employed. Do it on weekends or during special holidays when people are apt to celebrate. Try to make everything better the next time. Then accept more and more deals, until your contacts begin to increase and your deals happening more often. Then quit your job and go jobless big-time. You can then formally launch and start your own business full swing.
Sell Directly First
Do direct selling first before you decide to get an office or shop or stall. Direct selling will give you the sales expertise you need, the experience, and enable you to test the waters, so to speak, before you launch into deep waters. Get some products out there and sell. Make appointments and present and sell. This will be a rewarding experience for you. Do it from 6 months to a year. Establish some clientele and regular customers. When you have enough people regularly patronizing you, then start getting a small place.
Good Location
Get a location frequented by pedestrians, and especially by your target market. If you're selling mobile phone loads and cards, then a look for a place near offices and schools. If a small budget-type eatery, then locate near jeepney stations or tricycle terminals. Remember to have your specific market in mind. Not just because a place is peopled doesn't mean it's good for your business. A wet-market place may be full of people but if you're selling a high end product, your business might never take off.
Friendliness and kindness are very important assets in business. You may have a good location, your targeted market may be all around you, and you may have the best product, but if people find you unfriendly, again your business may prove a failure in the end. Practice good PR wherever and whenever. You will reap what you sow. Some people buy even second rate products, even with prices a bit high, as long as you're a likable guy. Be sure to return greetings, smiles, and friendship initiatives. Talk just enough and listen more. Treat your workers or helpers well. Start your own business with the right heart.
Practice Good Accounting
Always record all transactions orderly. Ask the help of an account on accounting for non-accountants. Make sure there are more incoming money that outgoing ones. Always observe systematic savings and investments. Monthly, set aside10 percent tithes for God and 10 to 20 percent savings. Prioritize this setting aside before you allot money for expenses. And pay your taxes. Start your own business with discipline and righteousness.
Trustworthy Assistants
Always get trustworthy people to assist you in the business. Make sure you yourself know how to operate the business. Don't do a business you know little or nothing of and then rely on someone who does. Better if you start it as a family enterprise, a husband-and-wife business, and then train your children to assist you. Just get extra help from other people you trust and have tried.
Both these tips can enable you to earn in millions of dollars. They're real! My first tip is try the ANION Pad business. WINALITE is a stable company, and you'd like to be part of that if you want to go jobless big-time. So, know what it's all about by clicking the image below!
The ANION business is both an offline and online business.
Or, for more relaxation, do this online business while you enjoy your social networking sites, like FB, Myspace, and Twitter. Get your promo ad codes and put them on your blogs and promote the blog on social sites. Check it out here: