I'm glad you decided to see what the Deceptive Traditional Mindset is all about! And I must congratulate you for your daring boldness to see what this is all about. You have to get out of the deceptive traditional mindset. It's been undermining your real worth and your real destiny, especially in your financial life.
People Who Hate Network Marketing
Traditional people hate anything that does not stick to traditional ways. If you deviate from the norm, they call it a scam if it's about business, and cult if it's about religion. For instance, they call network marketing a deceiving trick to fool naive people. Networkers, they say, just use you and your money. That's what deceptive traditional mindset asserts, and what ignorant people aver.
Businesses that sell softdrinks and cigarettes are considered "legit" by traditional businesses and they are largely patronized by people so that these businesses are among top sellers worldwide. We all know how softdrinks increase blood sugar and often lead to diabetes, and cigarettes--well, if they don't give you cancer of the lungs then some other type of cancer just as deadly. But their sellers are never thought of as just using you and your money.
What Could Be More Deceiving?
What Could Be More Deceiving?
Then they say that networkers deceive people into making them buy a product they don't really need and want. They add that due to networkers' selling skills and flowery words and hype they trick prospects with pie-in-the-sky promises which naive and gullible people buy. Well, cigarette and softdrink ads and commercials are the ones doing that, and they often even link their harmful products with sports and popular athletes, suggesting that they are health products. What could be more deceiving? And yet millions buy them and respect their sellers.
And this is not limited to cigarettes and softdrinks. How about sanitary pads that use recycled paper washed and whitened with harmful chemicals and use plastics and chemical adhesives? These toxins stick to underwears and infect some 83% of women around the world, says one recent survey. This can lead to deadly diseases. And how about white sugars, white refined flour, and processed food? These are all seriously harmful to health and can lead to cancers, diabetes, or serious kidney failures. And then synthetic drugs that give you serious side effects (and temporary cure) instead of heal you. But no one who sells them is thought of or accused as deceivers or scammers or out to just use you and your money.
Most Networkers Deal in Real, All-Natural Health Products
Have you noticed that most network marketers deal in real, all-natural health products? They fight chemical or synthetic products and convince people to go back to all-natural. But unscrupulous people who benefit from the sale of harmful products spread lies and black propaganda against natural health products, saying these products are the ones harmful to health. They propagate and feed the deceptive traditional mindset that has been enslaving people into docilely taking products that slowly kill them and their loved ones.
They Make People Buy Products They Don't Really Need
Sellers selling harmful products are the ones making people buy things they do not need and which are harmful to them. You think only network marketers hardsell? Traditional sellers hardsell all the more, and hardsell non-essential and harmful products at that. Just look at how they hardsell through ads and billboards and commercials. Plus the posters in malls, groceries, and corner stores (sari-sari stores). Do you know that when you post posters in your corner stores you hardsell people into buying products they do not need? The posters do it for you--even the product logos and labels you hang or display in your store or on your walls, freezers or shelves.
For instance, you sell ice cream and have its name marked clearly on your store freezer for people to see. That's hardselling something people don't really need. Why do I say "hardselling"? Well, do you need to place that brand name on your freezer? You'd say "yes" and add that that's simple advertising. It's just normal to let people know you sell ice cream. That's all.
Really, it's not as simple as a "That's all." Any promotion of a non essential--even in simple ways--is hardselling, the same "hardselling" that network marketers do. The only difference is that networkers do it verbally. But just the same, it's plain hardselling. And imagine how many people read that brand name or label per day, people who go to your store or merely pass by it. compared to just 4 to 5 people a networker can talk to a day.

Manufacturers Use You
Manufacturers use you (and you let yourself be used by them) when you post their posters in your store. Posting posters and signage on malls incur rentals. Manufacturers pay malls dearly to have their ads displayed on malls. I know because I was once an ad consultant and my clients paid rent to have their posters displayed in supermarkets. And then you let them post their ads in your store for free!
That's big time using-you-and-your-money. That's the result of a deceptive traditional mindset.
The deceptive traditional mindset keeps you from soaring and reaching your true God-given potentials, while being used by big capitalists. So stay tuned with us to learn more about going jobless big-time and discovering your true potentials.
And this is not limited to cigarettes and softdrinks. How about sanitary pads that use recycled paper washed and whitened with harmful chemicals and use plastics and chemical adhesives? These toxins stick to underwears and infect some 83% of women around the world, says one recent survey. This can lead to deadly diseases. And how about white sugars, white refined flour, and processed food? These are all seriously harmful to health and can lead to cancers, diabetes, or serious kidney failures. And then synthetic drugs that give you serious side effects (and temporary cure) instead of heal you. But no one who sells them is thought of or accused as deceivers or scammers or out to just use you and your money.
Most Networkers Deal in Real, All-Natural Health Products
Have you noticed that most network marketers deal in real, all-natural health products? They fight chemical or synthetic products and convince people to go back to all-natural. But unscrupulous people who benefit from the sale of harmful products spread lies and black propaganda against natural health products, saying these products are the ones harmful to health. They propagate and feed the deceptive traditional mindset that has been enslaving people into docilely taking products that slowly kill them and their loved ones.
They Make People Buy Products They Don't Really Need
Sellers selling harmful products are the ones making people buy things they do not need and which are harmful to them. You think only network marketers hardsell? Traditional sellers hardsell all the more, and hardsell non-essential and harmful products at that. Just look at how they hardsell through ads and billboards and commercials. Plus the posters in malls, groceries, and corner stores (sari-sari stores). Do you know that when you post posters in your corner stores you hardsell people into buying products they do not need? The posters do it for you--even the product logos and labels you hang or display in your store or on your walls, freezers or shelves.
For instance, you sell ice cream and have its name marked clearly on your store freezer for people to see. That's hardselling something people don't really need. Why do I say "hardselling"? Well, do you need to place that brand name on your freezer? You'd say "yes" and add that that's simple advertising. It's just normal to let people know you sell ice cream. That's all.
Really, it's not as simple as a "That's all." Any promotion of a non essential--even in simple ways--is hardselling, the same "hardselling" that network marketers do. The only difference is that networkers do it verbally. But just the same, it's plain hardselling. And imagine how many people read that brand name or label per day, people who go to your store or merely pass by it. compared to just 4 to 5 people a networker can talk to a day.
Manufacturers Use You
Manufacturers use you (and you let yourself be used by them) when you post their posters in your store. Posting posters and signage on malls incur rentals. Manufacturers pay malls dearly to have their ads displayed on malls. I know because I was once an ad consultant and my clients paid rent to have their posters displayed in supermarkets. And then you let them post their ads in your store for free!
That's big time using-you-and-your-money. That's the result of a deceptive traditional mindset.
The deceptive traditional mindset keeps you from soaring and reaching your true God-given potentials, while being used by big capitalists. So stay tuned with us to learn more about going jobless big-time and discovering your true potentials.