Network marketing is here to stay, more so today when PCs are getting more powerful and the availability of the internet makes it possible to do the business world wide. It is a very viable and fair business option, the only problem being that it can be easily abused by a few and victimize the majority, especially when placed in the wrong hands, which is often the case.
It's like any legit traditional business that some cartel decided to manipulate and rule over so that the majority is victimized, often without their knowledge. The cartel dictates the price and decides who will profit from the business. That's a scam. Traditional businesses can be abused, too, and so do governments. So, "scam" is not the speciality of unscrupulous networkers alone. The church also has scammers of their own.
Righteous Network Marketing
The thing is to look for a righteous network marketing business. Look around and you'd find lots of them. Now, make sure to do it properly and with perseverance. Some people join a networking business and then do little effort to work it out. When they don't get any check they call it a scam. Also, remember that not all who do a networking business will make millions of profit. Some will, but the rest of us will earn just right; some will earn more than enough, some just enough. It just like any other business. And there are also lean and peak months.
Network Marketing and Traditional Business
Our suggestion is to start out with network marketing, which allows big profits with minimal capitalization, and then later do a traditional business, like a franchise or FOREX, once you have enough capitalization gained from network marketing. For us coming from the lower, lower-middle, and middle income groups, network marketing is definitely our realistic and powerful means to get the capital to start a traditional business and take off well.
Network Marketing and Traditional Business
Our suggestion is to start out with network marketing, which allows big profits with minimal capitalization, and then later do a traditional business, like a franchise or FOREX, once you have enough capitalization gained from network marketing. For us coming from the lower, lower-middle, and middle income groups, network marketing is definitely our realistic and powerful means to get the capital to start a traditional business and take off well.