So far, there is me, Jo BLESS, who's into network marketing OpTRIMax Plum Delite, which is a big hit because it's easy to sell. Then there's A. Sakda who's into Vital C.
There are people cut for employment, but I think most of us are for doing a small business--especially us in the third world, specifically Filipinos. We should shrug off the idea forced on us by big capitalists that what we need is foreign investment and we'd just play employees to them. That big business is fit only for a few--for them. For instance, we are made to believe that the more call center companies we have, the more jobs are provided, the better off we are. But that only makes us a nation of call center agents. Call center companies are not permanent--they can always transfer their offshore operation or go back to their mother country anytime they want and leave us all with gaping mouths off guard.
Or, we think what we need are more foreign investors setting up more factories, making us a nation of factory workers. What's the future in that? Do you plan your children to be factory workers, too? Or, we think that working abroad is the answer. That option has caused numerous broken families and rotting marriages to proliferate. That's not to count the body bags of OFWs sent back home to their grieving families.
Truth is, only we, with God's help, can save ourselves from poverty. We need ourselves to invest on small businesses and aim to make it big doing so. It's our surefire way out of any economic crises. It's NOT more jobs. It's us having more guts and know-how to go into business!
It's NOT foreign financial aid or credit or investment. It's us going into business.
But what business? We, the majority, always lack finances when it comes to doing a business--or so we think. But if we just look around and explore possibilities God has made available for us, we'd see that we are in a position to do a business, and even one that could mushroom into something we have never thought possible. And for this gargantuan effect to happen, we need to explore modern direct selling machinery, like network marketing or leveraging.
So, going back to who we are, we are anonymous writers who have ventured on being jobless to go big time in business--any business--but especially network marketing. I'd like "failures" and "losers" and "bums" and the jobless and unemployed (or employed) out there to get a second chance and see how blessed they really are (like me, Jo BLESS), how God has not left them out or forgotten them, that all along God has prepared something special for them but which others have been forfeiting them of by making them mere employees.
This is your chance, guys. You can be jobless big time. Simply choose a strategy espoused on this blog, study it well, and then just do it. Do it wholeheartedly all your life. And make God your business Partner. God bless you all!
We also invite you to try network marketing with us. If you want to, email me at and I'll reveal my true identity to you so we can be business partners.
We also invite you to try network marketing with us. If you want to, email me at and I'll reveal my true identity to you so we can be business partners.