Most people have this problem--how to make people attend BOMs.
BOM is Business Opportunity Meeting. It's used for network marketing. If you're jobless but wanna make it big being so, then try network marketing.
BOM is Business Opportunity Meeting. It's used for network marketing. If you're jobless but wanna make it big being so, then try network marketing.
Okay, I'll tell you what's network marketing first. It is the easiest way to start small and make it big in business. In fact, I say it's the only way. It's more realistic than aiming to make it big someday by being promoted in your company--which most likely will never happen. Frankly, this is the only thing I could think of that would help you reach your true financial potential. Invest what you can and then give it your best shot!
If you're already rich, chances are network marketing won't have any appeal to you. And you may even call it cheap or despise it as some pyramiding scam, or curse it as some way to cheat people of their money. Because most rich people hate seeing poor people become richer than they are and through ways not popular to the traditionally rich. And if you're NOT rich and yet you despise network marketing, pessimistic people have probably con you. Would you let them do that to you? Why let them take you down with them? But if you insist...
If you're already rich, chances are network marketing won't have any appeal to you. And you may even call it cheap or despise it as some pyramiding scam, or curse it as some way to cheat people of their money. Because most rich people hate seeing poor people become richer than they are and through ways not popular to the traditionally rich. And if you're NOT rich and yet you despise network marketing, pessimistic people have probably con you. Would you let them do that to you? Why let them take you down with them? But if you insist...
Then, this isn't for you. Read another blog--one that would pin you down to being a mediocre earner forever. But if you're jobless somewhere and desperate to make some money or big money, why not try network marketing? It's our only chance--we who weren't rich when we started in life. And if you're not a college graduate or didn't finish grade school--but you wanna earn big--network marketing is it. Don't look for a job. That will destroy your future and potentials.
So, network marketing is all about getting people to join you do your business. Getting them to start living a life of business, a unique one. And many people are not used to being business people--they've been brain-washed that all they're gonna be in life are employees--destined to slavery making others rich. All they're worth is a miserable salary a month. So, it will be a real challenge getting them to believe something "far-fetched." Moreover, many folks have been brain-washed to believe that all network marketing businesses are pyramiding scams.
Well, first things first. Make them attend. Tell them there are no strings attached. If they don't want the business, you'd let them go Scot free. Promise. Tell them plainly that you're inviting them to a BOM. Be honest. If they refuse to go, ask them to go just this once--ask them to just give you time this once so that after this you'd stop bothering them. And make sure you keep your word. If they still insist on not going, then pester them now and then, until they finally come. Now, if the prospect does finally come, hope and pray the presentor would do his best to present the product and business well. It's a shame to see your inviting efforts go to waste just because of a lousy presentation.

So know when the best presentor would speak.
So know when the best presentor would speak.
This is how to make people attend BOMs:
1. Tell them how wonderful and effective the product is. So make sure you're already a product user. People selling a product they're not using are liars. Don't be a liar. People want to go with trustworthy people. So be trustworthy. Develop that reputation. Never tell a lie.
2. Challenge them to meet networkers who are already earning big in the business.
3. Challenge them to see how the business actually works.
4. Give them free product taste at the BOM. This is a real business. Invest some.
5. Fetch them from their homes or offices. Most people wouldn't like that so they'd rather attend the BOM. That's one effective way how to make people attend BOMs.
6. Treat them to coffee or snack after.
7. Invite someone your prospect knows and tell the prospect that so and so is also coming. Better if it would be some kind of a reunion or something. But just take 2 or 3 people along. Five or more is a no-no.
8. Don't forget to say, "Just this once, and I promise no more BOM in the future."
9. Make a fun BOM yourself. Have it in your house as part of a birthday celebration or something like that. Or create an occasion to celebrate.
10. Organize regular fun gatherings where you casually talk about the business. Like a tea party or something. That's how to make people attend BOMs.
2. Challenge them to meet networkers who are already earning big in the business.
3. Challenge them to see how the business actually works.
4. Give them free product taste at the BOM. This is a real business. Invest some.
5. Fetch them from their homes or offices. Most people wouldn't like that so they'd rather attend the BOM. That's one effective way how to make people attend BOMs.
6. Treat them to coffee or snack after.
7. Invite someone your prospect knows and tell the prospect that so and so is also coming. Better if it would be some kind of a reunion or something. But just take 2 or 3 people along. Five or more is a no-no.
8. Don't forget to say, "Just this once, and I promise no more BOM in the future."
9. Make a fun BOM yourself. Have it in your house as part of a birthday celebration or something like that. Or create an occasion to celebrate.
10. Organize regular fun gatherings where you casually talk about the business. Like a tea party or something. That's how to make people attend BOMs.