There are two kinds of networkers: the unscrupulous and the conscientious. The unscrupulous are, of course, what you should stay away from, but ironically most networking companies like them. Most of them are called “leaders” or “icons” simply because there are people silly enough to idolize and follow them without realizing who they’re following. And these “leaders” often have a big following.
Er...may I haste to add that, however, not all leaders and icons are unscrupulous.
Er...may I haste to add that, however, not all leaders and icons are unscrupulous.
The unscrupulous only have one thing in mind: their selfish interest. And they’d do anything for it. I’ve seen them do it. They look for loopholes in the system and take advantage of them, even if it means the company’s demise. They’d say something about them being businessmen out to make money, not to show compassion for any company, and all that garbage. They don’t care about people down them who’d lose their hard earned investments if they go on with their malicious schemes. They don’t have the heart to think of that because they’re docile robots of greed. The more they get the greedier they are. The more they have the less they are! They're like hell--never satisfied.
And I see through them--the more money they have the sadder their hearts are. The more miserable.
They hate spending for their own business. They’d exhaust all means to have the company shoulder all the expenses in their favor. They don’t mind if novice and small networkers pay their own expenses while they, the big earners, always request company full support. They’d even borrow your pen and not return it. I know two guys who earned big checks weekly and yet borrowed P200 from me for their lunch. They promised to pay me in the afternoon. They forgot about it. I even had to remind them. And when I did, they acted innocent, as if the loan never happened. I thanked God they paid me back. God is good. Unscrupulous networkers are not.
These unscrupulous networkers are no different from hoarders during scarcity or a calamity—they don’t care if small folks starve to death as long as they make a killing. These hoarders mouth the same doctrine—they’re in business not for charity or showing compassion but for making money. If unscrupulous networkers say it’s not their fault that the company system has loopholes or weaknesses they can manipulate, hoarders also reason that it’s not their fault that there’s scarcity and the government didn’t make allowances for it.
Unscrupulous networkers are cheats. They cannot be trusted though they can appear trustworthy. That’s why they have a big following. Unthinking people just see how big their checks are, their posh cars and stylish mansions, and their pretended kindness. Then they willingly make a fool of themselves for these crooks, carrying their “icons” on top and making them richer. They see these icons as fulfillments of their own failed dreams and frustrations.
Now, I’m not saying all unscrupulous guys have big followings. There are small ones in the making.
Scrupulous or conscientious networkers may be big or small but they have this common trait: they won’t do anything they know is wrong and would adversely affect the majority, especially the small ones. I’ve seen them, too. They’re the minority. They always play even and fair, even if the rest don’t. Few rich networkers are like this; most conscientious networkers earn just right with some extras that enable them to live comfortably well.
Most networking companies either don’t appreciate their worth or only have eyes for arrogant hypers. Most companies do not see the gem that conscientious networkers are because these good guys work simply and often quietly. They naturally exude excitement but they never artificially hype.
So, what type of a networker are you?
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