Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Online Network Marketing

Many are asking, why online network marketing?

I've been an online affiliate and internet marketer since 2004 and have made money from it quite a bit. And it's been fun--I'm a blogging addict. Now I'm trying online network marketing with "The Next Millionaire Maker is me" (TNMM). 

I have been into offline network marketing since1996 though, and have made LOTS of money. I and my wife are always partners and our present brick and mortar network is Purple Networx. Nope, I haven't earned money from TNMM as of this writing--it's only been a month since I joined, and I'll doggedly work it out because it's a great and unique opportunity. 

Why did I go online? For simple and practical reasons. One is the products. TNMM offers products on blogging that I need. And if you want to make good money online I suggest blogging. Aside from the pecuniary rewards, writing to a big audience (which is the world at large) de-stresses big-time. It relaxes you so much and dispels cognitive diseases like Alzheimer's. Writing strengthens your mind. Now, if you want to start blogging, get TNMM's products. 

Another is the online networking global market.Your business easily goes worldwide through the Net. That's more people to prospect and better sales possibilities. What more when mixed with blogging?

Is blogging for everyone? Well, is writing for everyone? If you think it is, then start blogging away!

Offline MLM

But why online network marketing? My question however is, why not? It's so easy to do--though it takes lots of patience and persistence and hard work and faith in God and yourself. With offline network marketing, you have to seek out people and meet with them and treat them to snacks and sometimes even pay for their transportation fare. That's a lot of expense, but I do it anyway because it's my business career. Traditional business folks pay rent, water and electric bills and salaries monthly--and these cost them dearly--but they still do them anyway. Business is like that. The difference is that network marketing is easily sustainable especially for folks like us who have limited capital--for now.

Online MLM

Online MLM is even much easier to maintain. All you have to do is pay the very minimal entry fee, go online, and post your links on proper forums. That's it. No need to meet people and treat them to snacks or accompany them to the BOMs. There's very minimal expense and yet a really big income potential--like with TNMM you only invest P1k plus and yet have the potential to make $1,500 plus. You see now why online network marketing? 

I do both offline and online. The offline Purple Corn Juice business costs only P7,988 (you get products plus) and the online TNMM costs P1k plus (you get products plus). That's just P9,000. Both businesses have great income potentials. Both give hefty bonus incomes. Where else can you find a P9,000-investment that gives you two businesses, offline and online at that? What traditional business can you do with a P9,000 capitalization and could give you $1,500 plus a month or a day or P20,000 a week income?

Why Both Offline and Online?

Offline is for reaching offline people--people in your geographical location. Many of them do not go online as often as you do and do not own PCs. Online, on the other hand, is when you cannot go out of the house to network and would have to work from home--like when it's raining or when you don't feel like going out.

But I do both daily. At least you have two money sources--if one messes up you still have another. I do my online business and blogging in the morning and my offline MLM in the afternoon. And it's all fun and adventure meeting new people in my city and region and in other parts of the world.

Simple Solutions to Successful
Online  Network Marketing
And sometimes work complementary--I got a P100k offline sale once from Australia through my online activity, and got some referrals offline for my online business.

Finally, why online network marketing? Your business works for you 24 hours a day even while you sleep. The links you post on your blogs or social sites continue to work for you long after you posted them. Day and night they "sell" online to people from all over the world. Each time people online see them and click and join, you earn.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Growing a Network (1)

One-on-One: Luke and Jedi Yoda
on a one-on-one training
 to beat the empire.
BOMs, promos, orientations, free tastes, freebies, big events--we think of everything to grow our network quickly. And they're all costly. Yeah, gimmicks can grow a network in leaps and bounds fast and you get fat checks out of it, but then later you find it's not sustainable. It's short-lived. It's not growing a network in the true sense--just making it look busy. It has a peak and then descends uncontrollably. Then you feel the need to get new blood because many have left looking for other networks to workout, others got burnt out, the rest simply got lazy. 

In a funny way, it looks like church. Church work is also growing a network. You launch costly crusades and big meetings, the church explodes and then dwindles down again. And then it's recruitment time again--what they call "evangelism." It's a vicious cycle and we always have the same remedy formula--meetings and more meetings. Our thick skulls never seem to learn. By the way, you see the similarity between church and network marketing? That's why I say, networking is God's design for church--but the church never gets the hint. They prefer to beg.


Anyway, you try asking networks big and small what to do and they'd say it's got to be through big this and big that. Everything's got to be big. We got to make lots of noise and do everything to attract, everything that is except do a one-on-one. One-on-one (OOO) sounds slow and too small-time. They don't have the patience to wait. Everyone wants big profits--if not today then tomorrow. We're fascinated by guys who made it big overnight or after a few weeks. We don't believe in sowing and reaping seasons anymore. We want overnight farming, if there's such a thing. And the same thing goes for the church.

One-on-one is actually explosive and also sustainable. It's the key very few people use to unlock doors to higher levels of growing a network--church or marketing. It looks weak, but power is made perfect in weakness. It starts with only two. Get dedicated two. Look for 2 to 3 individuals who will really stick with you through thick and thin and want to prove that the system works--not just try the system but see its potential and believe it works--and they're out to prove it, come what may. Until you get these two or three, your big events and BOMs and parties and circuses will be all big wastes of time and resources. They're plain stupidity.

Where Two or Three Gather in My Name

Jesus knew the power of 2. It's actually Kingdom power. The universe and the vastness of God's Kingdom were the handiwork of the Trinity--that's only 3 People who were intent and focused and of one mind and were radical and fanatic believers of their system. Jesus taught the church the power of 2 (or 3). But no one wants to listen. They still want big. They don't see that in the Kingdom, small is big and vice versa.

When the atom splits in two, a whole country can be changed dramatically. It doesn't divide into multiple parts at once but initially only in two. Jesus said 2 or 3 initially is dynamically powerful, able to move heaven and earth--and even the heart of the Father. Let's listen to the Master Networker.

Initially Jesus had 3--Peter, James, and John. Then it became 12. The 12 had 6 each and became 72. The 72 became 120. Then the network spread from Jerusalem, to Samaria, and to the outermost part of the world. Jesus had big meetings that helped launch the "product" (which is life in the Kingdom of God, and mind you, the meetings weren't costy), but he treated big crowds lightly. Instead, he relied on his few close-in proteges. His vision was 2 to 3 initially. And the system used was OOO. That's surefire way of growing a network. 

Get Two

First, master the system and the product. Your first direct downlines can only be as good as you are. The Master says no student is above his teacher. They can only be like their teacher, and that's it. That's duplication. You cannot duplicate yourself on the multitude. That's why Jesus often hid from the crowd. It's not productive to aim at big assemblies. The bigger they are the more hopeless is duplication. Big assemblies are bonuses. They're not the main thing and you can't expect anything from them--they might even crucify you in the end. So he spent the 3 crucial years of his earthly ministry with only 12, which started with 3 and ended up with only 120 when he ascended to heaven.

The bible says "Would 2 walk together unless they are agreed?" Your 2 should fully agree together, and together agree with you as leader. Lots of networkers today just gather physically together but are not agreed mentally. They will follow only those who have the big earnings. But with their immediate upline who hasn't earned anything yet, they won't bother listening to. This bad attitude leads to a natural death of the network, if not sooner then later.

First, the leader should be knowledgeable and skillful and well experienced--never mind if he or she isn't earning yet. The 2 directs should obey this leader and be with him or her through thick and thin. The two should then get their 2 each and train them the way they  are trained. The training method should be the same to achieve real duplication and establish a network culture. Remember, culture keeps people stick together.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Honesty in Sales

The only reason I agreed to join the pool of writers on Jobless Big Time is its commitment to righteous business. And it's high time to promote honesty in sales big-time. This is so vital. You can never enjoy the fruits of your labor unless you sell honestly. And few sales people understand this.

Here's what I mean. Do you know that your number one duty as a sales person or sales consultant is to help your clients get the best product or service he or she needs? Selling your product is only second to this. If you sell leather shoes but the customer badly needs rubber shoes, are you going to do all you can to get him to buy shoes he doesn't need? Or are you going to refer him to a rubber shoes dealer?

Some would take that as a challenge and try hard to convince people to buy products they don't need. They'll doggedly insist on the leather shoes even if the customer will use it to play basketball. And lots of times this happens--people get carried away by good presentation and hyped hard selling and buy, only later to scratch their heads wondering why they bought something they didn't need--"What am I doing wearing leather shoes on the hard court?" And the smart guy who made the sale thinks its a job well done. He's a killer salesman!

There are doctors, they say, who convince patients to have an operation even if they don't need them. The medical practice is one big salesmanship, and I'd like to make some kind of analogy here. I think I was almost a victim of hyped medical salesmanship twice. When I was younger, I had some problems that a doctor-surgeon at once recommended for surgery--a heart surgery at that. I sought a second opinion and the lady-doctor said what I had was nothing that bad and could be remedied with a simple pill. The doctor-surgeon later reviewed the findings and, indeed, he confirmed that what I had didn't need surgery. He just laughed off his error. You see that? That's so lacking honesty in sales. Even if it doesn't involve heart surgery, never be like that if you're a salesman.

Another time, I went to see a thyroid doctor-surgeon and she at once recommended surgery. Do I look like a perfect specimen for surgery? Do I look like I have the word "Surgery" written all over my face? Why always that diagnosis? Later, I sought another doctor-surgeon on thyroid--a more experienced one--and she at once remarked that my T3-T4-Tsh was normal and I didn't need any surgery. In fact, she was even angry at the rushness of the other doctor. She said some doctors are out only to make money. Aren't we all are? But we should do it with honesty and accuracy.

Honesty in sales is important. We should look after the welfare of our clients first before our interests. And this is more so with testimonies on health supplements. There is, some say, a practice where people are paid to say false testimonies on video. I wouldn't be part of any of that, and let's determine to help put a stop to all that. Righteousness in business is important. There should be rigid honesty in sales.

Monday, February 13, 2012

BIG Effort Tiny Output

Introducing Becky. She's hardworking. She has lots of big dreams for herself and family so she works hard to earn the money needed to build her dreams. You know what she's doing for this end? She's distributing promo leaflets in parks and malls for a hotel receiving P200 for half a day (about P5,200).

In the afternoon, she sells cosmetics and women's wear earning extra something like P300 to P500 every other day (around P7,500 a month). That's big effort tiny output.

But not bad. That's admirable courage and determination.

But if she becomes realistic and computes her target budget and actual financial output, it'd go something like this. She wants a house and lot costing P3M (just right for her family), a small car costing P500k, and quality high school and college education for her 3 kids which would be something like P100k each, equals P300k. All in all, that's P3.8M, excluding their monthly rent and daily food.

Monthly she earns P12,700 in all. That's P1.5M plus a year. It will take her 3 years to workout her dreams, if prices do not increase by then and if she stops buying food and paying rent. She may be able to workout her dreams, but it will be very difficult with big-effort-tiny-output.

Now, with the same effort it would be different if she did a network marketing business. She would be pursuing her dreams with big help from her team (downlines) who she doesn't have to pay salaries to. With 5 downlines as committed as she is in working out their dreams, it would take just 6 months to a year to realize them, or shorter. And chances are, they'd hit not just P3.8M but P3M a month or even a week continuously. This is not a theory anymore. This happens in network marketing businesses. It's a fact. And yet many do not believe. They still prefer lack to prosperity.

So I wonder why very hardworking people I see in malls distributing leaflets do not do a more realistic livelihood, using lesser effort and shorter time, and yet yielding higher income? Why stick to big effort, tiny output? In the end, people like Becky use up their youthful energies enriching other people and later end up with nothing plus illness in their old age. The story goes on and on, from generation to generation, and it seems no one wants to put a stop at everything and re-think everything. Some even say that not everyone is made for business; the majority of us, they insist, are for employment.

That's why we have to opt for being jobless--to escape the big-effort-tiny-output bottomless pit. If you're a Becky, I suggest you get out of that trap. You are worth more than a job. God placed more potentials in you than you think. You have to discover them by trying and risking.

You wanna get out of big-effort-tiny-output? Be jobless big-time! Join us try alternatives to employment and enjoy freedom and escape the curse. Financial freedom is possible and it can be done online.

Trying is 70 Percent of Work Done

Few would try and risk. Majority would heckle and discourage and bad-mouth. That's easier and often idlers and losers love doing them. They'd tell you all sorts of scary stories and doomsday forecasts. They will pull you down with them if you don't persist in trying. But fret not--trying is 70 percent of work done.

Watch what kind of life these hecklers have. Chances are, they don't have much and have no plans of having a bit more. But you have to get out of their circles and aim higher. Try. And if at first you don't succeed, just keep trying. Trying and failing is better than just sitting there doing nothing and die with empty mouth open. And I tell you, most of the time, trying is already 70 percent successful. Trying is 70 percent of work done. Continuing takes care of the remaining 30 percent.

Today, you have to try something a bit radical to earn a bit radically, too. If you want a meaningful life--a life used for helping other people meaningfully--you have to go farther than helping an old woman cross the street or caring for your family only. You have to help poor people financially. Yeah, I would dare go radically that far  and be willing to invest on people, especially the marginalized. I'd like to die leaving some people behind whose financial lives I have helped improved.

And you know what? Hecklers and negative folks are the last people you need with this kind of noble ideals. Eagles should leave hens behind because they're made for soaring and hens only for making noises, later to be slaughtered for dinner. And that's the first thing you have to do--stop mingling with chickens. You're an eagle. Try flapping your wings to soar. And when mother eagles teach their eaglets how to fly, they throw them from a tremendous height and leave them alone to learn how to fly and later soar.

And the eaglets will try. Oh yeah, they'll try, even if it's life threatening. They're created to soar above everyone else. Trying is 70 percent of work done. Without that step of trying, all ideals are nothing. Trash. Pfft. And your life is meaningless. Soon you'd turn into an ugly heckler telling every eaglet "it won't work. You're just a chicken, like us." Whatever you become, don't be a chicken.

To earn something substantial from your usual, you have to do something different to get a different result. Even something radical. You have to try and risk. You have to keep trying until you get what you want. This, of course, with God's help, leading, and empowerment. That's why God says nothing is impossible with him and with anyone who has faith. He said that to encourage us to try and risk and not be content with the status quo. Trying and risking is faith. And trying is 70 percent of work done.

They say you should try only what's sure and proven. Again, only hecklers say that. Where's the trying and risking there? You don't have to risk trying something already proven and stable and sure. 

The first time the Wright brothers said they could fly, hecklers were there saying it was stupid to try to fly.  It could never be done. "Only birds can fly," they must've added. Today, those hecklers would be dumbfounded to see flying objects made of steel. History has always shown that hacklers and doubters and negative people are always wrong in the end. So, why listen to them. Go ahead try and risk, until you get what you aim for!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Qualities of Good Leadership

Leadership is essential for growing your business. If you want your business to proliferate and birth branches and expand and even diversify, you need to be a leader. Don't just be the boss--be a leader. Here are surefire top qualities of good leadership we must possess in business, be it traditional, direct selling, or MLM. 

Man of God

Whatever business you're in, you should first be a man of God. God is the Author and Creator and Master of everything, including business, marketing, sales, advertising, accounting, leadership, etc., and yes even your line of business. Thus, Jobless Big-Time espouses righteous business because we believe that without God we can do nothing. Yes, you may build a business empire while being an atheist or in wickedness, but in reality you've built nothing. Zero. Trash. Pfft! Man's glory is like the grass in the field--here now burned tomorrow, or even the next minute.

You've got to hear from God. Others call this the right hunch. There are wrong hunches, you know, and a lot of businessmen use hunches now and then no matter how well organized and systematic and educated they may seem. And the last thing you need is having God working against your business. A man of God has Him as a business partner. Nope, I don't mean you become religious and start going to church every Sunday. I mean be a man of God always attuned to His still, small voice. For more on this just daily visit GOD's FLESH. Being God's flesh is among the vital qualities of good leadership.


Under integrity is honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, and honoring your word. People should see your life (not just business) as trustworthy and honest. If people see you like that, you can command their attention and commitment. Well, not all of them. Even good leaders have more detractors than followers--like Jesus did. He was crucified for being a very good leader. But to be able to lead 3 or 5 people is good enough, people who are really your followers and are committed to train their followers likewise. And if you train them to be like you--with your godly integrity--and have 5 people under them doing and being the same, then you're a true leader. 

Leadership is really "laddership." No one is born a leader. You have to start from ground zero and work your way up the ladder of success. So, true leaders are proteges of true senior leaders. You must be a good follower to be a true leader. And that's a great part of integrity. Integrity means being accountable to your leadership mentor. That's among qualities of good leadership.


You must have a following. Now, this does not mean that because they are your employees, they follow you, and you have a following. Or, just because you have lots of downlines, you now have good leadership qualities. That's farthest from truth. Truth is, a following means disciples or proteges that you have mentored, who are following not just in your footsteps, but also your business style and strategies--in fact your life. They want to become like you, not just financially (people who want to have your financial stature are not your followers; they want to dethrone you), but they want to live your good life. So this isn't just about making money. This is about righteous leadership.

Followers respect you so that just one call from you makes them scurrying to be there for you. And very few leaders have followers in hundreds or even 50s. Some people say such and such a guy is a leader because he has a big group. But the reality is, yeah, he has lots of victimized downlines, but his real following is probably just 5 or 7 at most. Jesus had 120 disciples, he even had multitudes of "followers," but only 11 really followed him. And out of that he had only 3 close-in. 

So don't waste time trying to "duplicate" yourself on all your downlines. They're not all your following. Choose those who really cling to you like glue, respect you, and believe you, and then duplicate yourself on them, and they do the same to theirs. That's among important qualities of good leadership.


Never mind if you're not intelligent. You can hire someone to be that for you--figuring our accounting stuff, computing figures, analyzing matrices, etc. But you need to be a visionary. This means you can see yourself not just a year from now but 5 or 10 years from now. And you know how to get there. You know where you're heading. You see ahead, and that's a definite edge.

Well, a lot of people can see things, but you're different. You see things and you know know to make them real. Sometimes, to realize a goal or vision, you may need expert help, and true leaders are humble enough to admit and accept help. That's part of realizing your vision--being realistic. And it's among important qualities of good leadership.


Network marketing "leaders" who cannot present well their businesses to an audience are not resourceful. Yeah, they will resort to inviting resource speakers, and to them that is resourceful. Being resourceful means you have the imagination to make things come true. And if you cannot make even a simple thing as speaking effectively to an audience come true, how much more other really difficult matters? How resourceful can you be?

Being resourceful means you have lots of good and new ideas back in your mind. You  have to be knowledgeable. And a big help comes from being a wide reader. That's how you become "resourceful." In fact, that's how you become a "resource" speaker--you know a lot of things to talk about.

You have these 5 qualities of good leadership, then you're a real leader. True leadership is not how you receive wards and citations for "leadership" or management or directorship. It's not how your small business is able to make money daily. It's not how you have lots of downlines in your network who follow you in whatever networking business you do because they want your financial stature. True leadership is how your life inspires others to follow, not just your business, but your righteous business life, in fact your model life as a whole. Just like how Jesus inspires disciples even up to this day.
Don't worry if you're jobless right now. It's the right opportunity for you to do this home business, and even make a career of it. Earn thousands in dollars for a minimal investment, and you can easily grow this thing into a $1,500 plus daily income earner with enough hardwork and determination. Click the image below:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Useless Questions and Concerns

"Are you earning from it now? How much? How come you're not yet earning from it, and you want me to join you? Is it legal? Do you have license?" and lots more other bla,bla,bla...all useless questions and concerns.

Hello there! Please don't be offended. I'm a jolly guy and I talk like that sometimes, to make a point. A guy once asked me if I was already earning money from TNMM and how much. I said "Not a cent." She was shocked. "How can you join in something like that? And you want me to join you?" I laughed out loud. I laugh at anything that sounds dumb. 

Zero Earnings Period

All businesses have periods of lows, even zero earnings, especially if you've just joined an MLM. You spend about P50,000 for a small street corner store or shop, for instance. Now, during your first month, do you expect earnings? No you don't. What profits you gain is not yet "earnings." You're still in the process of ROI. After your investments return to you, then you start to earn. See that?

So I told this young lady, I haven't any earnings yet because it's just been two days. And yes, I wanted her to be in my TNMM team. How else are you going to earn from MLM unless you invite folks into your team? To think that this lady was already a network marketer and MLMer. That's why I just laugh at useless questions and concerns.

Any Upline Will Do

And anyway, if you join someone who already earns millions in MLM, it'd be too late for you then. The guy will hardly notice you're there. And anyway, he'd just connect you to a new member who joined a bit earlier than you did. Yeah, it's tempting to join millionaires or high earners in MLM but logic will tell you it's perfectly OK joining an upline who's new in the business. Newbies are aggressive and will tag you along with them in their dogged efforts to start earning.


Online businesses are licensed in their home territory. If you're not a citizen there, you don't need to hassle with license. If you want, then get your own license--because you're doing the business. But where are you going to register an online business? It's just common sense. That's why I just laugh at useless questions and concerns like that. License is when you're occupying a physical place in the country or city in question, doing business there. But what if your business is in cyberspace? 

The questions are legit if the business is offline. You need a permit and license and every legality for that. But with online businesses, it will remain moot and debatable. So why waste time on that?

Just Grab the Opportunity

The thing is, just grab the opportunity. Start doing the business and when the money starts pouring, then pay your tax. Register your "business" if you want to. But before we can talk about legalities, we have to earn money first and forget about useless questions and concerns.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Low Risk Investment: Your P1K Plus for $16K Plus!

Super super low risk see that? How else can your P1000 plus turn into $16,000 plus? Peso to dollars. My goodness. Have you seen anything like that with employment or even common traditional businesses? Honestly, I don't know of any real investment that's as low risk as MLM, especially online MLM. In fact, I dare say, ZERO risk. 

You pay something like P1,000 plus and get the same amount back in terms of products. So where's the risk there? If you buy a mobile phone worth P3,000, do you feel any risk after you get the brand new phone? Of course not. You've got value for your money. The same with MLM low risk investment.

There are lots of MLM programs out there that cost P8,000. If the amount is for a shopping spree, it's a costly and nonsense waste--like buying a cell phone or dress. But for a real business investment that will give you and your family financial freedom and be jobless big-time that's small. Really now, where can you find a real business for P8,000 that allows you at least an income of P2M a month? 

And with the P8K cashout you get products worth every cent of it. So there's no "risk" because your P8K is all accounted for. Doing the business then is just a bonus! If you don't do the business (or don't "earn" from it) you actually lose nothing because you got your products' worth anyway.

You see the logic here? I mean, if you're honest about it, MLM is the ideal business especially for low and middle income people. If you have your PC and internet connection--plus a minimal P1,000 plus capitalization and at least 2 hours a day--you're in business. 

And just imagine--your P1,000 plus for $16,000 plus, which could grow into a weekly and later daily income, once your network under you starts growing. I'd grab the chance right now, if I were you.