Few would try and risk. Majority would heckle and discourage and bad-mouth. That's easier and often idlers and losers love doing them. They'd tell you all sorts of scary stories and doomsday forecasts. They will pull you down with them if you don't persist in trying. But fret not--trying is 70 percent of work done.
Watch what kind of life these hecklers have. Chances are, they don't have much and have no plans of having a bit more. But you have to get out of their circles and aim higher. Try. And if at first you don't succeed, just keep trying. Trying and failing is better than just sitting there doing nothing and die with empty mouth open. And I tell you, most of the time, trying is already 70 percent successful. Trying is 70 percent of work done. Continuing takes care of the remaining 30 percent.
Today, you have to try something a bit radical to earn a bit radically, too. If you want a meaningful life--a life used for helping other people meaningfully--you have to go farther than helping an old woman cross the street or caring for your family only. You have to help poor people financially. Yeah, I would dare go radically that far and be willing to invest on people, especially the marginalized. I'd like to die leaving some people behind whose financial lives I have helped improved.
And you know what? Hecklers and negative folks are the last people you need with this kind of noble ideals. Eagles should leave hens behind because they're made for soaring and hens only for making noises, later to be slaughtered for dinner. And that's the first thing you have to do--stop mingling with chickens. You're an eagle. Try flapping your wings to soar. And when mother eagles teach their eaglets how to fly, they throw them from a tremendous height and leave them alone to learn how to fly and later soar.
To earn something substantial from your usual, you have to do something different to get a different result. Even something radical. You have to try and risk. You have to keep trying until you get what you want. This, of course, with God's help, leading, and empowerment. That's why God says nothing is impossible with him and with anyone who has faith. He said that to encourage us to try and risk and not be content with the status quo. Trying and risking is faith. And trying is 70 percent of work done.
They say you should try only what's sure and proven. Again, only hecklers say that. Where's the trying and risking there? You don't have to risk trying something already proven and stable and sure.
The first time the Wright brothers said they could fly, hecklers were there saying it was stupid to try to fly. It could never be done. "Only birds can fly," they must've added. Today, those hecklers would be dumbfounded to see flying objects made of steel. History has always shown that hacklers and doubters and negative people are always wrong in the end. So, why listen to them. Go ahead try and risk, until you get what you aim for!
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