Many are asking, why online network marketing?
I've been an online affiliate and internet marketer since 2004 and have made money from it quite a bit. And it's been fun--I'm a blogging addict. Now I'm trying online network marketing with "The Next Millionaire Maker is me" (TNMM).
I have been into offline network marketing since1996 though, and have made LOTS of money. I and my wife are always partners and our present brick and mortar network is Purple Networx. Nope, I haven't earned money from TNMM as of this writing--it's only been a month since I joined, and I'll doggedly work it out because it's a great and unique opportunity.
Why did I go online? For simple and practical reasons. One is the products. TNMM offers products on blogging that I need. And if you want to make good money online I suggest blogging. Aside from the pecuniary rewards, writing to a big audience (which is the world at large) de-stresses big-time. It relaxes you so much and dispels cognitive diseases like Alzheimer's. Writing strengthens your mind. Now, if you want to start blogging, get TNMM's products.
Another is the online networking global market.Your business easily goes worldwide through the Net. That's more people to prospect and better sales possibilities. What more when mixed with blogging?
Is blogging for everyone? Well, is writing for everyone? If you think it is, then start blogging away!
Offline MLM
But why online network marketing? My question however is, why not? It's so easy to do--though it takes lots of patience and persistence and hard work and faith in God and yourself. With offline network marketing, you have to seek out people and meet with them and treat them to snacks and sometimes even pay for their transportation fare. That's a lot of expense, but I do it anyway because it's my business career. Traditional business folks pay rent, water and electric bills and salaries monthly--and these cost them dearly--but they still do them anyway. Business is like that. The difference is that network marketing is easily sustainable especially for folks like us who have limited capital--for now.
Online MLM
Online MLM is even much easier to maintain. All you have to do is pay the very minimal entry fee, go online, and post your links on proper forums. That's it. No need to meet people and treat them to snacks or accompany them to the BOMs. There's very minimal expense and yet a really big income potential--like with TNMM you only invest P1k plus and yet have the potential to make $1,500 plus. You see now why online network marketing?
I do both offline and online. The offline Purple Corn Juice business costs only P7,988 (you get products plus) and the online TNMM costs P1k plus (you get products plus). That's just P9,000. Both businesses have great income potentials. Both give hefty bonus incomes. Where else can you find a P9,000-investment that gives you two businesses, offline and online at that? What traditional business can you do with a P9,000 capitalization and could give you $1,500 plus a month or a day or P20,000 a week income?
Why Both Offline and Online?
Offline is for reaching offline people--people in your geographical location. Many of them do not go online as often as you do and do not own PCs. Online, on the other hand, is when you cannot go out of the house to network and would have to work from home--like when it's raining or when you don't feel like going out.
Simple Solutions to Successful Online Network Marketing |
Finally, why online network marketing? Your business works for you 24 hours a day even while you sleep. The links you post on your blogs or social sites continue to work for you long after you posted them. Day and night they "sell" online to people from all over the world. Each time people online see them and click and join, you earn.
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