Leadership is essential for growing your business. If you want your business to proliferate and birth branches and expand and even diversify, you need to be a leader. Don't just be the boss--be a leader. Here are surefire top qualities of good leadership we must possess in business, be it traditional, direct selling, or MLM.
Man of God
You've got to hear from God. Others call this the right hunch. There are wrong hunches, you know, and a lot of businessmen use hunches now and then no matter how well organized and systematic and educated they may seem. And the last thing you need is having God working against your business. A man of God has Him as a business partner. Nope, I don't mean you become religious and start going to church every Sunday. I mean be a man of God always attuned to His still, small voice. For more on this just daily visit GOD's FLESH. Being God's flesh is among the vital qualities of good leadership.
Leadership is really "laddership." No one is born a leader. You have to start from ground zero and work your way up the ladder of success. So, true leaders are proteges of true senior leaders. You must be a good follower to be a true leader. And that's a great part of integrity. Integrity means being accountable to your leadership mentor. That's among qualities of good leadership.
You must have a following. Now, this does not mean that because they are your employees, they follow you, and you have a following. Or, just because you have lots of downlines, you now have good leadership qualities. That's farthest from truth. Truth is, a following means disciples or proteges that you have mentored, who are following not just in your footsteps, but also your business style and strategies--in fact your life. They want to become like you, not just financially (people who want to have your financial stature are not your followers; they want to dethrone you), but they want to live your good life. So this isn't just about making money. This is about righteous leadership.
So don't waste time trying to "duplicate" yourself on all your downlines. They're not all your following. Choose those who really cling to you like glue, respect you, and believe you, and then duplicate yourself on them, and they do the same to theirs. That's among important qualities of good leadership.
Never mind if you're not intelligent. You can hire someone to be that for you--figuring our accounting stuff, computing figures, analyzing matrices, etc. But you need to be a visionary. This means you can see yourself not just a year from now but 5 or 10 years from now. And you know how to get there. You know where you're heading. You see ahead, and that's a definite edge.
Network marketing "leaders" who cannot present well their businesses to an audience are not resourceful. Yeah, they will resort to inviting resource speakers, and to them that is resourceful. Being resourceful means you have the imagination to make things come true. And if you cannot make even a simple thing as speaking effectively to an audience come true, how much more other really difficult matters? How resourceful can you be?
Being resourceful means you have lots of good and new ideas back in your mind. You have to be knowledgeable. And a big help comes from being a wide reader. That's how you become "resourceful." In fact, that's how you become a "resource" speaker--you know a lot of things to talk about.
You have these 5 qualities of good leadership, then you're a real leader. True leadership is not how you receive wards and citations for "leadership" or management or directorship. It's not how your small business is able to make money daily. It's not how you have lots of downlines in your network who follow you in whatever networking business you do because they want your financial stature. True leadership is how your life inspires others to follow, not just your business, but your righteous business life, in fact your model life as a whole. Just like how Jesus inspires disciples even up to this day.
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